But ... Can It Be Done? |
But I still doubted that it could be done in a convincing manner, so my very tentative plan was for a bakery, set in New York City, with a Southwestern "look." Lucky for me, that same day I was chatting on IM with my dear friend Jonesy (another talented artist who makes exquisite flowers with Fimo) and mentioned my pans to her ... as well as my doubts. |
Jonesy was not only very supportive, but she jumped right in to brainstorm with me and gave me some ideas, as well as instructions on how to make cacti for the landscaping. She convinced me that the Spanish look was doable. Thanks, Jonesy, if it had not been for your encouragement, there would probably not be a Spanish bakery in the oven! :-) |
Planning On Paper |
A couple of weeks later Rik's sketches arrived by snail mail. I opened the large manila envelope ... and I was speechless for a while. All I could do was look, admire the beautiful drawings, read his notes, and admire the awesome talent of this man. God certainly has blessed him with a wonderful gift! |
I was not surprised by the imaginative and creative design, since Rik is an artist whose specialty is creating fantasy cottages, but rather I was impressed by the boundless imagination that was able to see in the kit so much more than I could. |
Acknowledgments |
Thanks to my friend, Jonesy, for always being there for me -- encouraging and ready to help with technical support. It sure is comforting to know that, even though we are at opposite ends of the continent, you are as close as my computer. :-) |
My thanks also go to Wanda B. (founder of The Ocelots) and Joy P. (founder of The Buttercuplets) for providing space for me on their web sites, so I could share Rik's sketches with all my friends on the lists. And thanks to Bob in Flushing, the friend who suggested that I create a web site to chronicle the project. |
Last, but certainly not least, a great, big "Thank You" to Rik Pierce, for showing me how much father I could dream and strive to achieve! I only hope I can do justice to his designs and carry them out faithfully. If I can do that, and combine the suggestions you have given me with my own dream, then I will surely end up with a wonderfully unique house! |
The Dust Bunnies Experiment |
One interesting thing that has happened as a result of the House Of Miniatures' Buttercup offer was the formation of The Buttercuplets. The list is a place where all of us Buttercuppers can meet and exchange ideas for the projects that we plan for our Buttercups. We have all been kept amused by an experiment that my friend Jonesy is conducting. |
The experiment involves Dust Bunnies and she is trying to ascertain if the legend of their being hard workers is true. The procedures for the experiment are as follows: |
Place box containing the Buttercup Cottage kit under the bed. |
Ignore for an extended period of time, so that it gathers dust (the genetic material of which Dust Bunnies are composed). |
Check periodically just long enough to see if Dust Bunnies have come into being and, most important, whether or not they have started to construct the Buttercup. |
Record findings and report them to the list. You might consider adding some sanding paper, and a craft knife at this point. |
Return box to its resting place. |
Keep checking periodically. |
Record findings and report them to the list. You might consider adding a bottle of glue at this point. |
Return box to its resting place. |
Continue experiment until you either give up, or you find the Dust Bunnies have started and/or finished construction of your project. :-) |