Nertha's Micro Miniature World

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My name is Nertha Gaal and my hobby is creating dollhouse miniatures.  I worked in the 1:12 scale for about ten years, until I came down with Micro Eye Syndrome (MES for short).  Although we live in opposite coasts of the USA, I got infected by my dear friend, Anita McNary, about 5 years ago and have been a happy MES Sufferer ever since! 
Since in the 1:144 scale 1 inch = 12 feet, it means that I can create miniature worlds that can be held in the palm of my hand.  The Hideaway scene pictured here was built on a 2 1/4" diameter wooden base. 


If you look at the scene carefully, you can actually observe what some of the symptoms that those of us who are MES Sufferers exhibit.  For instance, I suffer from hallucinations that cause me to envision half a walnut shell as a garden grotto, tiny pebbles as rocks for a pathway, a tiny bit of L shaped molding as a swing, tiny beads as flower pots. 
Well, you get the idea -- and perhaps now you understand how appropriate the initials for this condition are, since my supply drawers tend to be a mess with all the salvaged components I hoard ... I mean ... store in them!

Click on photo for larger view
Hideaway scene created by me for my friend Anita -- Photo and hand modeling by Anita McNary

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Keep smiling! Keep crafting! Keep dreaming BIG and building small!


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